Re (2): I have added lots of things on wiki server
Sun, 20 Sep 1998 18:29:32 -0400 (EDT)
I was expecting such resistance. But rewriting the web page my way seems in
my opinion an acceptable step between what you want (database), and the present
state (bulky pages so big I try to avoid them). It will be quite hard to put
labels on each OS and programming language. There always seems you'd like to add
something more than just 'good module system'. One would like to say why, like:
'Oberon have replaced definition and implementation part by a simple module in
which a '*' follow the names of things to be exported, And a tool was made to be
able to extract and show to the user only these exported stuff. This is an
interesting evolution from Modula-2.'.
You'll probably never be able to do that with your database.
What I am trying to do is to include all languages and OS on the wiki so that it
will be easy to make little list of OS sharing one characteristic. Kind of:
Unix like systems: LinuxOS,FreeBsdOS,VstaOS,etc...
I guess if you put each such categories on their own page, one could use the
find links options on a language description to find out each characteristic it have.
And he can go there to have more info, like the example I was giving about Modula-2 to
Oberon before.
So you can see what I am doing as making it easy to collect the characteristics you
need to make the database you want to do. In my opinion, Wiki can be used to
classify and comment ideas.
In fact I did begun that because I wanted to add a comment about type uniqueness
under Concurrent Clean, versus monads. And there was no good place to add this.
Now there is a page about functionnal programming languages, so I could add a sub-page
there I guess. One of the problem with Wiki however, is that we have to create a
good hierarchy ideas, not just fill the pages. I was thinking that the sub-projects
we did have on normal page could be a good way to organize our ideas. But I try to
create lots of new pages because I think the pages could become big one day.
---Paul Dufresne