"Job" Opportunities

Tril dem@tunes.org
Fri, 20 Aug 1999 10:27:33 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Francois-Rene Rideau wrote:

> Dear Tunespeople,
>    since I'll be trying to be a better leader,
> I want to define a list of opportunities for potential Tunes contributor.
> I'll ask you refine them, and when it's in some good enough shape,
> I'll make a web page out of it.

Haven't seen any replies to this, hcf just reminded me about it.
My opinion is you made the jobs too broad, and nobody has time to commit
to any of them.  We should write many more, smaller, easier tasks that
don't require an ongoing commitment.  Then more people will volunteer.

Also, you should add a position for overall coordination, to take input
from the group and post the consensus of what direction (or conflict of
direction) is desired by everyone, then be responsible to "make it
happen" by whatever means necessary.

> * Web master:
>  Your job will consist in integrating data input
>  from the Tunes collaboration channel into a usable web site.
>  Current TODOs include maintaining the pages better,
>  making them coherent, finding a web developer (see below).
>  Constraints: see below

Instead of one web master, we need a temporary strike force to find a
solution for the current web page, organizing a permanent team to maintain
it.  The tasks need to be done but it is more likely to work with a group
than with one person.

> * Web developer:
>  to help the web master, you'll develop a database for the
>  Review page, the news page, the Glossary, etc.
>  Constraints:
>  1) operations should be reversible (=versioning), especially
>  since people of divergent opinions will concurrently modify things
>  2) should be eventually migratable to tunes.
>  Advice: either generate pages off-line from CVS'ed files
>  as is currently done, or use CL-HTTP for on-line data processing.

These is the requirements for the new web page.

> * Language developer:
>  your job will be to write an open compiler for a LISP family language,
>  that can be integrated into TUNES
>  Constraints:
>  1) should quickly be free of C code to allow RTCG on the bare hardware,
>   as well as easier code analysis.
>  2) should work on the bare hardware (retro, clementine, whatever)
>   as well as OTOP
>  Advice: once you define a suitable target virtual machine,
>  you can parallelize (with the help of other people) development
>  of the compiler and of the runtime support.
>  In a first time, you may assume read from your Scheme (or CL) implementation.
>  Later, you could reuse the parsing algorithm described in the CLHS.

This sounds like an enormous job.  Maybe find another lisp project
(rscheme) that is close and recruit people from it or try to convince them
to work with you?

> * OS developer:
>  your job will be to grok and integrate oskit drivers
>  (or directly linux drivers) into retro, clementine,
>  or another dynamic component-based infrastructure.

Not sure how important this is.  Shouldn't retro and clementine owners do
their own recruiting if they want it?

> * Language Theorist:
>  your job will be to help formalize the theory of reflective languages.
>  Contact fare@tunes.org if you have the proper qualifications, or are willing
>  to acquire them within 6 months.

Maybe another strike force to FIND people from the academic community who
are willing to publish online instead of in proprietary journals, or to
work with TUNES.

David Manifold <dem@tunes.org>
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