Security, parallelism

Sat, 2 Jan 1999 20:55:01 -0800 (PST)

On 3 Jan 1999, Laurent Martelli wrote:

> C is a poor language because it has the implicit order built
> in. However, Lisp does not have this problem. You just have to add a
> function unordered-execute which takes a list of instructions to be
> executed without any special order. I have the intuition that you have
> unordered-execute and the usual order-execute, it is equivalent to
> having a graph.

How does the unordered-execute work?  (for myself, and the other non-lisp
experts out there)

> I believe that with good heuristics, much of the work of
> implementing a pre-post could be done automatically. After all, we
> always repeat the same design patterns all the time. I had found on
> the web the thesis of somebody who tried to compute implementations
> from pairs of input and output. It don't think it is usable, but
> working on pres and posts should give some results.

Heh... this is what neural networks are :)  They only approximate the
correct results statistically, but the field is quite broad in that people
have discovered many different ways to rig neural nets for different

David Manifold <>
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