last email on this subject

Wed, 2 Jun 1999 22:55:46 +0200 (CEST)

>>>>> "Maneesh" == Maneesh Yadav <> writes:

    Maneesh> <originially sent to tom..but I really think some people
    Maneesh> in the group need to hear this>

    Maneesh> guys will realize one day... I made it clear
    Maneesh> numerous times that it was not my intent to be
    Maneesh> offensive... I put out some questions and all I got were
    Maneesh> vauge responses that evaluted to "oh yeah I haven't
    Maneesh> really thought it out yet, but we'll put that feature in,
    Maneesh> it'll be easy", I say this as my final reponse in this
    Maneesh> thread, you really have no clue how difficult it is to do
    Maneesh> what you are doing...

[[other stuff deleted]]

I agree with Maneesh. But he seems to miss a key point: all of current
TUNES programming efforts (including Retro and all my aborted previous
tries) would (conceptually) only be useful once.

We are still trying to implement the system which will make doable
(but hard) to implement TUNES. We are *not* implementing TUNES yet. We
are in a hard and difficult bootstrapping process. 

When TUNES will be running it will have not a single byte of code in
common with current atempts.

But we would not be able to make TUNES without the hard way of trying
our current stuffs.

Best regards, and keep cool.

Basile STARYNKEVITCH - 8 rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 BOURG LA REINE (France)
tel email = basile point starynkevitch at wanadoo point fr 
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