I need a message-goto object language
Lynn H. Maxson
Tue, 25 Jul 2000 07:18:26 -0700 (PDT)
I'm somewhat surprised that the method of
structured analysis and design, which has dominated
"large" contract software in the United States
since the late 70's, never made it to France.<g>
Basically the method was developed by Larry
Constantine who published under the Yourdan Group
and taught at IBM's System Research Institute
Structured analysis uses dataflows. Basically the
only purpose is to insure that the system works in
terms of completeness, having a continuous "flow"
(connection) from the outputs in a system to their
inputs into the system. Structured design follows
analysis by offering a heuristic that converts the
dataflows into structure charts, giving you
essentially the functional programming.
It is a two-step procedure. More to the point in a
recent UML conference participants heard from
several large scale OO projects that UML had to be
supplemented by structured analysis and design to
support (people) communication.
I will put in a plug here for you to consider a
specification language instead of a programming
language as this will allow automated generation of
dataflows, structure charts, and executables from
the writing of a single set of specifications.
Thus the only "people translation" that takes place
is that from user requirements to specifications.
If you insist on an OO-only language, then you
admit to using at least two languages, one for OO
and one for converting it to a form (procedural)
usable by the computer. I would probably recommend
a specification language which will allow either
form in the same manner (and for the same reason)
that it supports both declarative and
non-declarative styles.
Language authors should not dictate user styles.
The function of a language author, at least one not
so arrogant to believe that "he" knows what's best
for you, is to "enable" the user and support his
style. That's a far more difficult task than what
we see reported here. It is the one adopted by the
PL/I committee in the early 60's. I would suggest
that if you want to see what's possible in a
programming language, particularly a
procedural-based one, that you take a close look at
As a historical note Kenneth Iverson's book "A
Programming Language" is slightly misnamed as he
proposed its use as a specification language to
replace flowcharting. I would recommend highly
your reading at least Chapter 1 to see how to
visually represent functions and their
interconnection. I say visually because you can
"see" the difference between a well-structured
program and one of spaghetti "go-to" code.
There is nothing wrong with using structured
programming control structures despite their
embedded "go-to"s. Not all "go-to"s are created
equal.<g> The purpose lies in creating more
readable code in a linear manner (top-down). The
rules are topologically simple (one-in, one-out).
To be clear dataflows are "data passing" only, not
"message passing". Another difference lies in the
processes, even their names, being unimportant in a
dataflow analysis. All the process represents is
some form of a filter which maps the outputs back
onto the inputs without concern (at this time) for
the rules involved. That's why it is called
"structured" (one step at a time) analysis and
design. The second step, structured design,
fleshes in the processes as well as creating their
hierarchical structure.