I need a message-goto object language

Paul Dufresne ace910@agora.ulaval.ca
Wed, 26 Jul 2000 08:10:17 -0400

I intended this as a one message to reply to all the answers I have
but somehow it turned out
more to look as something like "thanks for all the info, just let me
time to look at it". Here it is

> Perhaps my confusion lies in what you call the "true programing language".

I just wanted to means real.

>  (in c/c++, the languages that I am
> most familier with, you can tell the compiler that a function may never
> return by declaring it volatile, I think).

I shooed look at this.

> The general vibe that I have allways picked up on is that functional
> programing is superior.  Then again, maybe It would be usefull for
> something, and I dont know what I'm talking about.

Yes,  but does functional programming have methods and/or notations,
something like UML for OOP?

> I will put in a plug here for you to consider a
> specification language instead of a programming
> language as this will allow automated generation of
> dataflows, structure charts, and executables from
> the writing of a single set of specifications.
> Thus the only "people translation" that takes place
> is that from user requirements to specifications.

I would be grateful to you to post a link on this.

> As a historical note Kenneth Iverson's book "A
> Programming Language" is slightly misnamed as he
> proposed its use as a specification language to
> replace flowcharting.  I would recommend highly
> your reading at least Chapter 1 to see how to
> visually represent functions and their
> interconnection.  I say visually because you can
> "see" the difference between a well-structured
> program and one of spaghetti "go-to" code.

I'll try to find this, it looks interesting.

> One word: Continuations

Yes, I think I heard about it in Scheme, but it looked something weird
I'll take a deeper look on this, but I think you're right, because I do
assume that the state of each box is remembered between each 'calls',

> The very old style of flowcharts has this problems (as they were
> designed to be used with Fortran this is no surprise). You can get
> better results by using a Nassi-Shneiderman chart instead:
>   http://www.olympic.ctc.edu/class/akkirkpa/cs165l01.html

Thanks, I knew about it, and I was thinking to use this as a more
way of doing it.

> Data flow charts are easily converted into a subset of functional
> languages called "single assignment languages". Or you might want to
> execute the graphical representation directly using such systems as
> ProGraph and LabView.
>   http://www-csd.ijs.si/silc/pdcp.html
>   http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~maratb/cs263/paper/node14.html
>   http://www.ni.com/labview/what.htm
> If you are using CSP instead (explicitly receiving the messages) then
> you can easily implement your system in Occam.
>   http://www.dcs.qmw.ac.uk/SEL-HPC/Articles/GeneratedHtml/hpc.occam.html
> Since you mentioned object-oriented languages, you might find their
> cousins interesting: Actor languages. In most of these languages you
> have to explicitly send another actor a "return envelope" if you are
> expecting an answer back from a message. The difference is that you can
> create new arrows at runtime, which is hard to model with a paper
> diagram.
>   http://www.dekorte.com/Actors/Chart.html
Ok, I'll take a look at those links, thanks!

I now think I remember something similar in C--, to help implement
tail recursion. I need to go see how
the C-- project is evolving.

Anyway, since it is a small project I am working on, I will remake the
analysis in a more traditional way,
but somehow my diagrams was something I did not really knew existed, and
wanted to share with others
to see if this was not an interesting idea to use.  So after all it
seems a really new idea, but I will
have learn from your answers. Thanks!