One step at a time
Lynn H. Maxson
Sat, 24 Jun 2000 08:20:29 -0700 (PDT)
Like several others on this mailing list I have
pursued a project on my own that parallels Tunes.
I, too, want " replace existing Operating
Systems, Languages, and User Interfaces by a
completely rethought Computing System...". After
that point we start to differ in priorities. For
example at the end of this quote comes "...yet
(eventually) a highly-performant set of dynamic
compilation tools...". This implies a shift in
"system" priorities, a consideration of features
separate from their implementation.
That from my perspective is in error. I can only
assume that it accounts for the several references
in the Tunes HLL requirements list to the effect
that "computer will this" or the "computer will do
that". As one who has practiced in this profession
for 44 years I have yet to find a computer that did
anything except what it was told in software. What
the software told it was in turn traceable to human
direction. Thus I cannot on the one hand propose
wanting "this" without a clear directive of getting
from here to there. In short a systemic approach
in which all inter-dependencies, inter-connections
progress as a whole.
What I will concede and hold in common with Tunes
is the need to shift drastically the division of
labor in software development and maintenance from
people to software. Ultimately this division leads
to "letting people do what software cannot and
letting software do what people need not". This
same division of labor we have successfully applied
to client processes, allowing their productivity to
proceed apace with advances in technology. We have
dismally failed in applying our own methods to
ourselves as clients.
That doesn't mean we haven't tried. We have had
our share of evolutionary success in the
"structured methodologies": structured (peer)
reviews, structured programming, and structured
analysis and design. Apparently among the Tunes
advocates we should attach the same level of
success to object-oriented methods.
In spite of all these successes software technology
has lagged hardware and software development
continues its spiraling costs in time an money.
The question is why? The answer is simple. Our
tool set, our means of implementing software.
Now we undertook a major effort in the 80's to get
the different vendor tools to operate in a seamless
manner, leaving it only the the users to pick and
choose, to plug and play from the vendor-supplied
tool set. That effort was initiated by IBM in its
AD/Cycle project which ultimately received a
failing grade after investing some millions of
man-hours and dollars.
The point is not to belittle an effort whose
participants were ever much as serious as those of
Tunes, but to understand what went wrong. The
shortest answer is the logical implication of
success. For most vendors success would have meant
open competition, no proprietary (protected)
niches, and most importantly a shrinking
You can talk all you want about having software
technology track that of hardware, but the
productivity consequences are that fewer people
become necessary for greater volume. If we achieve
it, we will sharply reverse the supply/demand
equation from today's imbalance toward demand. To
be even clearer we will have a supply ability that
will exceed demand. That in turn leads to a
reduction in supply to bring the two more closely
into balance.
Quite frankly it is quite simple to place software
technology on track with hardware. For us it is
the development of a single tool, a single
language, and a single user interface (one with the
tool). In fact such a tool is part of the Tunes
requirement though buried within the esoteric
"Interactivity" feature.
As a tool, as something which "seeks" to assume
ever more of the clerical ("that which people need
not") work, leaving people free for more creative
("that which machines cannot") pursuits, it forms a
symbiotic system with the user. The user extends
its capabilities as it does to the user in return.
Together they form a system whose direction derives
from the user, for whom the tool is an
"intelligent" assistant.
The tool then must assume all the Tunes
requirements. To be self-extensible it must be
self-defining. Here I part with another of the
Tunes "assumptions". While agreeing that an HLL is
a high level language I disagree that it is a high
level (programming) language. For me it is a high
level (specification) language, a HLL language that
is self-defining, self-extensible, and most
importantly self-sufficient, i.e. never requiring
the interceding of another language.
This means that within its source form it can
encompass all aspects of any hardware or software
system. As a specification language it means
containing the specifications of any machine
architecture for which we will execute software.
Thus at the lowest levels of abstraction we will
have the various target machine architectures with
a selectable connectivity (a path) to any higher
level abstraction (levels of abstraction).
I have such a language and a such a tool in mind.
As far as I can tell they meet the Tunes
requirements. As a product, as a "tool set", they
make "open software" under the FSF look closed.
There are no need for restrictions on use, not need
for standards, and the inability to create
incompatibilities while remaining within the
syntax. It does not require protection because it
cannot be violated.
If you want to actually engage in "complete
rethinking", I would suggest that you do so. That
means starting with as clean a set of assumptions
as possible. That applies to programs (as human
productions), to objects, and to source forms.
I would also suggest that you not belittle other
systems, but have a clear understanding of what is
right and what is not so right within them. Then
you can profitably engage in a culling process for
the "right" and a corrective one for the "not so
right". Every one of them is a serious attempt by
their author(s) and advocate(s) to do at least in
part what we are attempting. In that manner we can
continue as part of a "common cause".