LOGOS Research and Development founded

Brian Rice water@tunes.org
Sat Feb 16 15:44:01 2002

Hello TUNESers,
This is a small notice that I've registered a company name and a 
domain name for my research and consultancy efforts. For now, LOGOS 
Research and Development is just a proprietorship with no employees, 
so don't expect Big Things Soon, but at the same time I may expand 
the business definition to encompass whatever I need it to do.

For now, the scope is to provide me with business representation for 
Lisp and Smalltalk out-sourced development (a service), and to 
provide a channel for applying for research grants and investment 
outside of the academic world. One of its more mundane purposes is to 
allow me to write off my research expenses for tax purposes.

I only have several possible customers in the local area, but this 
may change. The business definition will likely change to a 
limited-liability corporation and I'll set up some basic things to 
allow me to license software (products instead of services) under it.

The web site will be at http://www.logosresearch.com/ although I 
haven't set up a system to host that yet. Very likely the former 
http://www.arrow.cx will be re-used for it, once it is refurbished.


P.S. It seems that companies associated with the Logos name are many, 
but most seem to be related to Bible-peddling or written language 
translation, so I don't think there will be much confusion.
