Introduction and misc ideas

Armin Rigo
Thu Jun 6 04:41:02 2002


When I wrote

> > > I would love to see them implemented as a library for a
> > >widely-used language, despite all we can say against these languages --
> > >C++, maybe Java (which might really lack higher-order capabilities for
> > >this), why not Python (I regard Perl as not OO enough).

I have probably not been clear enough about it. My e-mail's intent was
to draw a (fuzzy) distinction between two projects. A library as
described in
the quoted paragraph would be a cool project which I guess most of us
would know how to do (given enough time), with some chance of popular
adoption -- hence the restriction to popular languages. Definitely
nothing revolutionary and only the beginning of the story. This was not
a description of what I believe Tunes could be. I know there are tons of
interesting languages and framewords ranging from long-established to 
completely experimental, none of which is listed above, some of which
developing quite essential concepts.

Now how Tunes could be done is not clear in my mind, at least when we go
beyond the general concepts of what it should be able to do. I may write
a few words about what I understand from arrows (as pointed to by
Alexis, and
