[unios] Re: Generic Designt

Pieter Dumon Pieter.Dumon@rug.ac.be
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 13:51:42 +0100 (MET)

From: Pieter Dumon <Pieter.Dumon@rug.ac.be>

> The same thing would be possible with my model, and even to a higher
> degree. Since objects can support many formats (just add an interface for
> each format), it would be possible to read HTML files or Word files as
> usual text files - and the one who's reading doesn't have to add support
> for it in any way. 

That's easy to implement on POSIX too, and you can hide teh details from
the user too. And with POSIX, it is far more easier to apply multiple
filters or transformers to an input stream (file) in serie or in parallel
to one file. Your design needs to switch between OH's to achieve this. 

> If you have a list object type, you can take the output
> of one program and feed it - in the form of a list - to another program.
> Everything that can be done by piping in Unix can be done just as good with
> my method, and often better.

But what you descrive __IS__ POSIX !
> >> but I can't say it's just Posix with a different name...
> >I'm not saying it's POSIX, I'm saying it can be done more effectively,
> >more powerfully and more flexibly with POSIX. Add the power of X to
> >this... 
> Add the power of *my GUI* to what I've said, and I think it would well
> out-weight Unix power/flexibility.

Have you allready _used_ networked X ?

> The trumph card of my model is that there are not much of necessary APIs.
> Most of the interfaces on a standard system lays outside the static part
> (the kernel).

I don't think the kernel shouyld be static. I know all OSs up to day use 
a static model, but...

> The same thing that makes win32 easy (the UI built-in), makes it
> unflexible.

That's a fact.

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