[unios] Re: Generic Design

Pieter Dumon Pieter.Dumon@rug.ac.be
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 13:30:10 +0100 (MET)

From: Pieter Dumon <Pieter.Dumon@rug.ac.be>

> The same thing would be possible with my model, and even to a higher
> degree. Since objects can support many formats (just add an interface for
> each format), it would be possible to read HTML files or Word files as
> usual text files - and the one who's reading doesn't have to add support
> for it in any way. If you have a list object type, you can take the output
> of one program and feed it - in the form of a list - to another program.
> Everything that can be done by piping in Unix can be done just as good with
> my method, and often better.

I'm still not convinced.

> Add the power of *my GUI* to what I've said, and I think it would well
> out-weight Unix power/flexibility.
> You seem to defend Unix vigorously... you tell me what you're missing in
> Unix, and how you think UniOS could be made better, more flexible, more
> powerful, etc.

I'm not defendign Unix, I'm defending POSIX. QNX is POSIX-compatible, 
and look at it...

> >Neural systems are found to be rather unpowerfull on todays computers.
> In addition, neural systems do not work in a way that is good for most
> computer tasks today. They work more like the human brain - associative,
> unexact.

That's true, but on the other hand, this "unexact" working, as you call
it, is called fuzzy logic and it is vital to speech recognition. But a 
neural system would indeed not be a good choice.

 ICQ  : 12428974

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