[unios] Re: [Repost] A monkey wrench

Faustino E Osuna osuna@CTC.Net
Fri, 01 Jan 1999 17:39:11 -0500

From: Faustino E Osuna <osuna@CTC.Net>

>>A good example of this would be, that a business might want to dedicate
>>UniOS system entirely for networking purposes (lets say a print server).
>>They load the appropriate kernel that allows the application(s) and the
>>network to benefit the most from the system (High-security and moderate
>>speed).  But on the other hand, we a home-user (like the most of us) who
>>wants UniOS' power as well but the security doesn't have to be as high but
>>the speed is a must or flexibility.
>What you mentioned seems to highly lay outside the kernels responsibility,
>and so not be subject to the DLK issue...

Okay, not that wasn't the greatest example but hey I tried ;)

>>In my novice opinion, this would make UniOS more diverse and flexible.
>>it just might defeat the entire purpose.
>Flexibility is never wrong. The "OS for everyone" requires it.

Sorry, seems like I did'nt elaborate myself properly.  I meant to say "But
this idea just might defeat the entire purpose of the UniOS".  Flexibility
and speed is the most important for me, but thats my opinion.

>>PS - I haven't formally introduced myself, I'm Enrique expert slacker.
>Slacker as in Slackware?

Nope slacker as in lazy, loafer, etc...

- Enrique

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