[unios] OHs
Pieter Dumon
Mon, 4 Jan 1999 11:06:20 +0100 (MET)
From: Pieter Dumon <Pieter.Dumon@rug.ac.be>
I really think I should make something clear.
All this fuss going about whether use seperate threads or .. etc
- Some parts of the OS, i.e the parts reading the disk (called drivers,
you know), must be standalone processes because you _must_ process all
requests in serie.
- But Object handlers that interprete objects and return data to the
requesting object, mustn't be standalone threads, they should be shared
libraries integrated in the executables needing them , such as classes
that are linke to other classes needing them in Java, or DLL's in Winblows
or whatever.
Please don't talk about thread jumping etc.. in connection with objects.
It's all something that has to be implemented, but it has nothing to do
with object handlers.
ICQ : 12428974
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