[unios] Still convicted UniOS is a pure OS :)

Alexis Pautrot pautrot@hotmail.com
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 23:46:01 +0200

Hi, Pat..

It's Alexis ( remember.. in the member list ), I'm still convicted of
the power of this OS.
I'm sorry not to have mail you before but I had a lot of work to do (
studies ;-)

I still want to contribute to UniOS.. I have a lot of document I wrote
in the past, but they are not finish at all for the hole part and I
don't know where to begin.. but I'm sure of something : I have a lot of
ideas that go in the same direction that UniOS.

I will probably begin my own Web site in a few days if my girl friend
don't eat me to much time ;-) I want to post you some files I done.. but
what do you need first ?
I can rewrite some documents and finish them, but I need to make a
What can I send to you ? About memory ? kernel ? devices ? file system ?
boot ? GUI ? object design ? I thank about every of this subject ( and
others ) but I need to concentrate my work on one of them.. and I have a
problem : I'm french and can't write a proper english.

Please reply me at my new email adress ( a1pauale@univ.. is no longer
available ) :
pautrot@hotmail.com ( because I'm called "Alexis Pautrot" :-)

PS: I read the doc about OS Runtime Example and still hate win9x look
and feel ;->.. but I like the boot menu utility which should exists for
the OS itself, like a OS configuration menu that allow to have many OS
in the same OS architecture ( flexibility !! ).. but it is another
