[unios] New Project News
Pat Wendorf
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 20:04:00 -0500
I have a few new news items, for thoes interested:
--- UniOS Server ---
The UniOS server (aka. Vaporserver) is finally running and actually
connected to the Internet (no really, it's true: ping it
yourself! :) The server owner, and myself are currently working on
making it work properly. My hope is that, it will be fully functional
(UniOS page, possible domain name, and maybe work starting on the
automation) by next month.
--- UniOS Page ---
The page has (finally) been updated. It's not much, but there is a new
document posted that some of you might be interested in. Quick! Go see!
--- UniOS Members ---
I haven't heard much from you guys in a while (my own fault), so if you
have anything new to say, post it :)
--- UniOS Development ---
I'd like to take the time now to discuss some of what I am working on (I
should do it in another post, but I'm lazy ;) so that, if anyone else is
interested, we can discuss it in more depth.
1) The UniOS Server - I'm working on a system of automating document
entry (aka. Online Document Entry System), and "Idea Entry System". I'm
not familair (at all) with any kind of entry forms and database linking
on a web page, so I may end up giving this project to the first person
that asks for it :)
2) UniLang (it's just a working name) - The infernal quest to find a
code object (executable) distribution format that is platform neutral,
object oriented and free. In essence, what I am looking for is a binary
that is derived (compiled) from textual (or other) source code, that is
simply an abstract of a real program (real program: something that is
compiled to native code on the target machine).
3) Project promotion - We are still not on any major search engine
(minus dmoz.org). If anyone has any hints on how to get the page
accepted (yes it was rejected by all of them), I'm all ears.
4) Posts of Industry Standard Systems Analysis and Design techniques -
This may be an optional thing, but I'd like to get more Doc's
(plagurizations for my textbook ;) posted, which show how things are
done in big companies (still kinda relavent to us).
5) Web Page format update - I like what we have, but I think some things
could stand to be improved.
6) UniOS and mOS practical run-time examples - I'm working on a set of
doc's that give some examples of how UniOS system will run and work
(kinda like writing a bit of science fiction, but more computerish :).
I will post these examples to the page as I complete them, and they can
be comment on accordingly.
Thats it for now...
Pat Wendorf
UniOS Group