TOO MUCH VOLUME -- a proposal
Jean-Philippe Theberge
Mon, 12 May 1997 19:57:04 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Wachowitz <> writes:
Marc> Fare Rideau <> wrote:
>> there is definitely TOO MUCH volume on the LispOS mailing list,
Marc> If the flooding of people's mailbox is the problem, I
Marc> suggest simply to carry this back to comp.lang.lisp and
Marc> comp.lang.scheme, possibly with a common prefix in the
Marc> subject line. For most people, newsgroups are probably more
Marc> comfortable for a large volume. I don't have the impressions
Marc> that we've got much to be kept secret, and I guess most of
Marc> us are reading those groups anyway (if necessary with
Marc> filtering or selection, and with threading). I don't mind
Marc> either way, since I'm reading news and mail alike with Gnus
Marc> in Emacs ;-)
A question: How are newsgroups created?
Is it possible to make a new comp.lang.lispos?
If so, i think this can be a good idea, i'm becoming overloaded with email too...
= Jean-Philippe Theberge =
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