[ANN] Slate Release 0.3.5

Brian Rice water at tunes.org
Thu Aug 11 20:38:29 PDT 2005

Slate 0.3.5 is now available from the downloads area on the main  
site. It has many bug-fixes and enhancements, and is more stable than  
previous releases. Please check the NEWS file for the details.

The major highlights are: single-process event-loop concurrency with  
promises, a platform information/control plugin, online help for the  
REPL and Debugger, use of an extended define: form to replace the  
addPrototype:/addSlot: hassles, additional higher-order collection  
and stream manipulation facilities, slot-observer pattern support,  
and support for logical directory locations such as the home or  
current directory, resolved dynamically on use. Of course, many bugs  
were fixed and much code was cleaned up, clarified, and documented.

Download from: http://slate.tunes.org/downloads/slate-0.3.5.tgz

The detailed changes are available in the NEWS at: http:// 

The instructions for usage in README have been updated, so please  
review them.


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