New site look / organization

Donovan Preston dp at
Fri Jan 21 07:06:12 PST 2005

On Jan 20, 2005, at 2:03 AM, Brian Rice wrote:

> There is a CVS2RSS package which I have wanted to use; I'll try to 
> make time to get it in-use. Of course, I've also wanted to use a more 
> capable system like DARCS, but I forget if there is an RSS-feed 
> generator for it yet. Also, the Windows port of it is not yet quite 
> stable enough the last I heard; someone please correct me if possible.

If you decide to use DARCS and there aren't yet tools like this for it, 
I might write them. DARCS gets my vote, in addition to SVN, over CVS.

In my experience with DARCS, it has bugs which arise because of the 
unique features it has. Since SVN forces you to use a much more rigid 
development model these bugs can't arise. I still think DARCS is worth 
it because it works beautifully much of the time and I quite like the 
workflow model it has, with multiple distributed "repositories". It is 
certainly a huge step up from what I have seen in slate now, with 
people emailing huge changesets around. SVN wouldn't solve this 


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