Retro: Intend to continue serial driver

Tom Novelli
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 22:38:10 -0400

On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 09:52:11PM -0400, Paul Dufresne wrote:
> This is mostly to tcn by I decided to copy on tunes-lll.
> That's a long time I did not touch my serial driver. (about 2 months)
> Now that Linux is loosing it's newness feeling for me, I guess it is
> time I play a bit with retro.
> A long time ago you seemed to say that my serial driver was not working
> for you, is it still true?

I tried it with a mouse.. didn't work.  I'll look into it eventually.  Not
much has changed that affects the serial driver.  You'll find that FORTH is
really helpful for writing I/O programs though... that VGA code was a piece
of cake.  I'm gonna change the I/O words a little:

	You originally added:
	IOR	( port -- byte )
	IOW	( port byte -- )

	I'm changing it to:
	INB	( port -- byte )
	OUTB	( byte port -- )
	INW	( port -- word )
	OUTW	( word port -- )
	IND	( port -- dword )
	OUTD	( dword port -- )

	Also INSB, OUTSB, INSW, OUTSW, INSD, OUTSD, something like this:
	INSB	( count address port -- )

> I updated retro yesterday. I got some messages saying some files had
> become obsolete but I don't know if cvs erase them or if there is
> a command to get rid of these obsolete files.

Do you still have kernel/ide.asm?  That's one of the obsolete files (the new
code is in

> Also, I tried to do a make but I got this:
> make[1]: *** No rule to make target '../fonts/gr8x8.psf', needed by
> 'boot.bin'.
> As a matter of fact I don't have the fonts directory.

Dammit, I hate CVS!!  Hmmm, let's see.. this happened before.  You need to
add the -d flag to get new directories, like this:
	cvs update -d
We could just use rsync instead... who needs version tracking anyway? :)
Or maybe RCS for version tracking, and rsync for transfers.

Tom Novelli <>