Agora Language

Jecel Mattos de Assumpcao Jr.
Fri, 19 May 1995 01:39:25 -0300

I noted that the Agora ftp URL I gave was included in
the language comparison page. I couldn't get Mosaic
or Netscape to see the files in that directory even
though I had no problems with a normal FTp program.
I think this is related to their ftp server being
a Mac.

The reason I mentioned this language ( which was
featured in the December 1994 Sigplan Notices - didn't
I say this already? ) was that it has a Self-like
syntax and object model, but is extendable via
"reifiers" that look a little like Faré's active
notations. I have tried twice to get the papers
I mentioned, but have had the ftp connection fail
midway, so I can't give more details for now. The
language is implemented in ParcPlace Smalltalk and
the sources are available at that site.

Have fun,
-- Jecel