Tunes originality (was: a few queries)

Adam C. Wick
Wed, 04 Dec 1996 10:23:29 -0500

>   It is a project to implement a frame in which all these
>could be *independently* developed as modules
>that would nevertheless work
>seamlessly, safely, reliably, and efficiently together.
>   Most people think this is impossible,
>because many have tried and failed to achieve this result before.

I'd like to slightly correct this last statement. A lot of systems
(well, not a lot, but more than a few) are trying to do things like
what TUNES is trying to do, except that they are sacrificing things
where you are not and you are sacrificing things they are not.

For instance, both MIT's exokernel and Stanford's Cache kernel keep
the no-kernel-type approach to operating system design, where things
can be uploaded to the kernel when necessary, and the operating 
system is merely a convenient structure to hold all the different
things in. 

As for the sacrificing bit, it seems that both the exokernel and the
Cache kernel fall short of the mark (for instance, both limit the
extent to which you can control the system) in order to add security
and speed, while you seem to be sacrificing speed a bit.

In my project, which is like yours, I sacrifice security. Since, quite 
frankly, I trust all the programs I write and because I can write the 
programs to make sure they don't do stupid things, I feel no particular 
need to have my operating system thoroughly check everything before it 
runs it. 

A lot of old-time operating system theorists are now spluttering 
about damaged processes and the like, but really I don't see the need
to deal with security when I pretty much trust the programs I write
are valid.

If you're interested in hearing more about my os (which is called
Quantum currently, but may be changed in the near future), check out
its home page at:

If it doesn't answer, I may either be working on quantum (which doesn't
have network drivers yet) or my http server may be acting stupid again.

>   The Descartes project at MIT is the only one in the world
>to bring partial evaluation in the run-time system for
>a dynamic language (Scheme).

I also believe some people at the Fox project at CMU was working on a 
similar  system, using ML instead of Scheme.
