The Cathedral and the Bazaar.

Fare Rideau
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 01:43:54 +0100 (MET)

> Tunes is new and should aim to win in the long run. The problem
> is that the man and the horse have already started while the
> Tunes/Ferrari is still on the drawing board.
And the drawer is asleep.

> BTW - did anything
> ever happen with the Tunes and LispOS merger? I had to drop
> out of the LispOS list as it was overflowing my mailbox.
Well, LispOS has many different "currents".
The main one seems to be a for an ANSI CL base of software,
with CMUCL as a standard CL implementation.
Other people would like either something Scheme-based
(but then, that seems redundant with the RScheme and/or GUILE projects).
Finally, a tiny fraction would possibly develop a highly reflective
LISP dialect, but then, there is not even a well-defined such dialect yet.
So indeed, we could say that Tunes could be the same as that LispOS
fraction, but that doesn't help us in any way; it only gives possible
allies for a future when the Tunes dialect would be well-settled.

-- #f