UI idea: MOOOS :)

Thomas M. Farrelly s720@eik.ii.uib.no
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 21:22:12 +0100

Alan Grimes wrote:
> om
> I was sooo adicted to this mud about a year ago... :P

Is MUD a complex system ( I've never used it ) ? I mean, would it take
long to build it from scratch? It's kind of a neccessity for me to write
it in TOOL. ( Which, by the way, is in the final stages of creation :)

> I thought of dozens of improvements to it including a full gui without
> sacrificing telnet compatability... I'd be happy to work on it, or at least
> design it. A mud can be picked up at www.rom.org I think... It shouldn't be too
> hard to allow the clients to build rooms, and reassign the parameters so it
> would be usable for other applications. :)
I'd love to see design ideas.

    Thomas M.  Farrelly     s720@ii.uib.no     www.lstud.ii.uib.no/~s720