Francois-Rene Rideau Francois-Rene Rideau <>
Tue Jan 8 07:32:01 2002

Dear Björnke,

> From: Björnke  von Gierke <>
> Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 14:57:21 +0100

> Why cant i just hit reply to answer a mail to the mailing list, is it my 
> app or the  server? 
As with many mailing-lists, you have to use "Group Reply" to reply 
to everyone rather than just the originator of the mail.

> Is the whole homepage generated automaticly, or is it updated by hand? 
It's still done by hand at the moment.

> Me thinks it's much too clumsy arranged and unintuitiv presentet, maybe 
> for compatibility with CLI-Browsers?
Compatibility with CLI-Browsers is a requirement, although if you're 
willing to write a system that adds features for other browsers without
sacrificing compatibility with lynx, links and w3m, you're most welcome.

> Faq is too detailed, shoud only give simple clue about what Tunes is.
On the other hand, I don't know how to do without details, or else,
the answers might betray the issue and confuse the reader.
Maybe have a short answer in larger size and a longer answer in small size,
for every question?

> Is there already a deccission made what userinterface the first version 
> will use? (I mean that 'run on top of other os' -thingie) Is It CLI, 
> GUI? 
To begin with, we'd just have a listener, that takes strings as input,
and evaluates them sequentially. It could be tested with
precompiled strings, then with lines from stdin,
then with lines from a socket or SYSV messages,
or HTTP requests, or whatever.

Then a front-end could be built that would match GUI events to messages
that be sent back to a server, and events from the server as modifications
to an abstract GUI. As long as we're dealing with such unstable things
as Xlib, Gtk, Qt, etc., we'd better keep the frontend in a separate process
(which can still be written mostly in the same language -- using proper
meta-objects so to differentiate the persistent state in a stable server
from the transient GUI state).

> Or are you targeting directly at voice, gesture, psycokinetic input?
This could be another front-end.

> Wouldn't it be funny if the logo would be a picture with a tag on it: 
> "This is not a Logo"
Could be nice. But not before there's code.

> Are there webrings for alternative/"homebred" OSes? Why /Why not?
I dunno. Some of them are listed in Review/OSes.html
Most of them are very short-lived and without any well thought-out
purpose or design, which might explain the absence of persistent webring.

[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | ]
[  TUNES project for a Free Reflective Computing System  |  ]
The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age
brings wisdom.
		-- H.L. Mencken